Recently, I saw an article on Reddit that claims “the Benchmark Game has been updated to Go 1.5. Other than regex and binary trees, we’re equal to or faster than Java across the board”. That was quite surprising, because AFAICT, Go 1.5’s major improvement was reducing garbage collection latency. However, what the Benchmarks Game measures is throughput. In fact, as a consequence of the latency decrease, the GC of Go 1.5 now has to run more frequently, which leads to worse throughput.

So I looked up the raw data on the Benchmarks Game repository. As I expected, Go 1.5 didn’t improve much as compared to Go 1.4. Actually, quite the reverse:

These are the test programs that became faster in Go 1.5, compared to 1.4:

pidigits#4: 4.181 -> 3.431 (121.9%)
pidigits#2: 4.062 -> 3.36 (120.9%)
regexdna#1: 146.019 -> 122.856 (118.9%)
knucleotide#2: 142.783 -> 129.833 (110.0%)
knucleotide#1: 195.44 -> 184.772 (105.8%)
nbody#1: 22.93 -> 22.012 (104.2%)
knucleotide#5: 73.773 -> 71.183 (103.6%)
knucleotide#3: 30.77 -> 30.065 (102.3%)
fasta#1: 7.31 -> 7.183 (101.8%)
chameneosredux#5: 7.291 -> 7.176 (101.6%)
fasta#3: 6.161 -> 6.088 (101.2%)
mandelbrot#2: 42.349 -> 42.001 (100.8%)
fannkuchredux#1: 65.293 -> 65.189 (100.2%)

Whereas, these are the ones that got slower:

binarytrees#7: 92.786 -> 231.719 (249.7%)
binarytrees#9: 92.24 -> 216.512 (234.7%)
binarytrees#1: 91.063 -> 210.57 (231.2%)
binarytrees#2: 89.12 -> 193.312 (216.9%)
binarytrees#4: 89.044 -> 183.231 (205.8%)
binarytrees#5: 94.408 -> 161.13 (170.7%)
revcomp#1: 0.795 -> 0.883 (111.1%)
threadring#5: 14.673 -> 15.93 (108.6%)
mandelbrot#1: 51.993 -> 54.924 (105.6%)
binarytrees#6: 16.478 -> 17.355 (105.3%)
fastaredux#2: 1.745 -> 1.827 (104.7%)
fastaredux#3: 1.745 -> 1.827 (104.7%)
binarytrees#8: 55.351 -> 57.354 (103.6%)
fasta#2: 6.223 -> 6.314 (101.5%)
revcomp#3: 1.139 -> 1.152 (101.1%)
regexdna#8: 86.655 -> 87.403 (100.9%)
revcomp#2: 1.107 -> 1.116 (100.8%)
meteor#1: 0.126 -> 0.127 (100.8%)
regexdna#2: 48.113 -> 48.483 (100.8%)
mandelbrot#6: 47.184 -> 47.505 (100.7%)
regexdna#7: 87.079 -> 87.353 (100.3%)
mandelbrot#3: 25.507 -> 25.568 (100.2%)
spectralnorm#3: 15.705 -> 15.709 (100.0%)
spectralnorm#1: 15.7 -> 15.703 (100.0%)
spectralnorm#2: 15.703 -> 15.705 (100.0%)

As you can see, the binary tree benchmarks got signifcantly slower. This is probably because they are the ones that allocate most; the changes of GC will directly impact them.

It is also interesting that the performance of the pi digits benchmarks is improved to a degree. By looking at the code, they all use the math/big package. So I believe there were some improvements to Go’s bignum library.

The results above were from the 64-bit single-core system. For the 64-bit quad-core system, the results are as follow:


regexdna#1: 48.962 -> 41.622 (117.6%)
knucleotide#2: 46.265 -> 40.16 (115.2%)
knucleotide#1: 60.999 -> 55.386 (110.1%)
nbody#1: 22.919 -> 22.006 (104.1%)
knucleotide#5: 27.521 -> 26.558 (103.6%)
knucleotide#3: 8.298 -> 8.141 (101.9%)
fasta#1: 7.307 -> 7.18 (101.8%)
spectralnorm#2: 4.149 -> 4.102 (101.1%)
fannkuchredux#1: 16.464 -> 16.379 (100.5%)
spectralnorm#3: 3.963 -> 3.954 (100.2%)
fasta#2: 3.058 -> 3.056 (100.1%)


threadring#5: 14.658 -> 62.868 (428.9%)
binarytrees#2: 28.131 -> 62.155 (220.9%)
binarytrees#4: 28.494 -> 60.204 (211.3%)
mandelbrot#1: 13.037 -> 27.453 (210.6%)
binarytrees#5: 29.258 -> 59.782 (204.3%)
fasta#3: 1.798 -> 2.327 (129.4%)
chameneosredux#5: 7.349 -> 9.484 (129.1%)
binarytrees#6: 9.438 -> 11.332 (120.1%)
revcomp#1: 0.755 -> 0.837 (110.9%)
binarytrees#8: 18.901 -> 20.125 (106.5%)
binarytrees#7: 93.145 -> 97.377 (104.5%)
fastaredux#2: 1.745 -> 1.824 (104.5%)
fastaredux#3: 1.747 -> 1.824 (104.4%)
binarytrees#1: 91.021 -> 94.746 (104.1%)
pidigits#2: 3.772 -> 3.889 (103.1%)
regexdna#2: 16.642 -> 16.969 (102.0%)
pidigits#4: 3.866 -> 3.921 (101.4%)
revcomp#3: 1.137 -> 1.153 (101.4%)
mandelbrot#2: 10.408 -> 10.545 (101.3%)
regexdna#8: 26.323 -> 26.655 (101.3%)
revcomp#2: 1.107 -> 1.116 (100.8%)
meteor#1: 0.126 -> 0.127 (100.8%)
binarytrees#9: 91.957 -> 92.604 (100.7%)
mandelbrot#3: 6.413 -> 6.443 (100.5%)
mandelbrot#6: 11.819 -> 11.837 (100.2%)
regexdna#7: 86.345 -> 86.37 (100.0%)
spectralnorm#1: 15.694 -> 15.695 (100.0%)

As you can see, the results aren’t much different. But there’s one thing that’s intriguing: the thread-ring benchmark got regressed significantly. What it does is “pass a token between one thread and the next thread at least N times”, so I guess the new GC is not doing optimally in the concurrent execution.

Anyways, what’s the point? Does this mean the GC improvements of Go 1.5 suck?

No, it’s all about trade-offs. High latency is typically more annoying than low throughput, so the Go team made a choice. However, as a result, there can be regressions in some use cases. The Benchmarks Game is likely the latter. Actually, Java’s new GC engine, called “G1”, also made a similar choice: they emphasized on latency and as a result throughput was a bit reduced. I have no idea about the academic theory behind garbage collection, but this seems to be an inherent problem residing in it.